Sep 2, 2021
1 min read
Children throughout the world are suffering from a silent epidemic. Globally, it is estimated that 400-million children suffer from pediatric airway disorders.
An inability to sleep well, mouth breathing, inability to focus, lack of energy, and even depression are all symptoms linked to childhood airway disorders.
Identifying a pediatric airway disorder can be fairly easy if you understand the signs and symptoms. Ask yourself the following:
Does your child sleep through the night?
How many times does your child chew each bite or mouthful before swallowing?
Does your child almost always have a stuffy nose?
Does your child have a "worried" expression when swallowing?
Does your child sleep with an open mouth?
These are just a few of the questions that can help you identify if your child might be dealing with a sleep-breathing or other airway disorder.
If caught and treated early enough, the pain and suffering a child experiences can be avoided. Without identification and treatment, a child suffering from an airway disorder will experience pain, exhaustion, mental issues, and even death.
The Children's Airway First Foundation (CAFF) is on a mission to ensure that both parents and pediatric medical professionals become educated on the causes of childhood airway disorders, the signs and symptoms to look for, and what treatment options are available.
Your donation allows us to continue our mission of education and prevention of pediatric airway disorders.
We are a 501(c)(3) charity supported by donations, sponsorships, and volunteer effort. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law; IRS EIN 86-2254672.