Aug 2, 2022
2 min read
Episode 10 of the Airway First podcast is now out! You can catch it on SoundCloud, Podbean, Anchor, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
My guest today is patient-health advocate and wellness coach, Cris Duval, RDH. Over the course of her four-decade career as a hygienist, she has been recognized for her contributions to patient-centered dental hygiene with honors from the International Association of Ozone in Healthcare and Dentistry and the Oral Cancer Foundation.
A sought-after speaker, Cris has taught master classes and presented in locations from Las Vegas to Chicago to Cuba on topics including patient communication, ozone therapy, and advocating for patient health.
You can find out more about Cris and her mission to change the mindset of dental professionals when it comes to patient health on crisduval.com or thelifeguardinitiative.com.
We are proud and honored to have Cris Duval as one of the members of the Children’s Airway First Foundation Advisory Board.
We are in a unique position to take life-saving initiatives and be LifeGuards for our pool of patients.” ~ Cris Duval, RDH
Show Notes:
The LifeGuard Initiative - https://www.thelifeguardinitiative.com/
Biofilm is a layer of bacteria that can accumulate inside or on your body. The sticky white plaque that forms on your teeth and around your gums is a type of dental biofilm. Plaque needs to be removed because it can harden to tartar, also known as dental calculus
Who Are You Going to Be? article by Cris Duval published on AOSH.org
"Relationships rule the quality of care"
Lifeline screenings for hygienists to focus on at every visit with their patients:
Oral cancer screening
Blood pressure
pH of Biofilm
Test Menu (Oral bacterial DNA testing)