Blocked or impacted airways can lead to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in children. This is becoming a more common condition in children and, if left untreated or diagnosed, can lead to complications such as ADHD, anxiety and depression, heart issues, and hypoxic brain trauma.
We know how much sleep children need, but it has to be the right kind of restful sleep. In order for this to occur and for the sleep to be restorative, children need to breathe well while they sleep. The long-term impacts of children that do not receive an adequate amount of restful sleep include:
A diminished ability to focus and pay attention
Trouble receiving and processing information becomes difficult
Judgment becomes impaired and decision-making abilities decline
The body's internal synchronization processes become hampered

Sleep-disordered breathing is a systemic condition that affects the brain, the body's metabolism, hormone balance, and overall health. In the absence of treatment, it can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, acid reflux, and even fatal cancer.
As with any medical condition, consult your child's pediatrician should you see any of these symptoms in your child or if you suspect your child is suffering from an airway disorder.